ACSI has extensive experience and knowledge dealing with construction and operating permits in all media.
Schedule delays, violations, fees, damages to public image, and impacts to ecosystems, public health, and environment can at least cause interruptions to business and at most result in catastrophic impacts to the environment and your company. ACSI staff are experts in interpreting environmental rules and regulations and we transmit this expertise in formats that remain relevant and easily communicable throughout your business’ lifetime. Common permit processes we perform on behalf of our clients are:
- Permit Inventorying & Scheduling
- Permit Applications & Negotiations
- Preparing & Implementing Operations, Testing, Monitoring & Maintenance Plans
Whether you need to obtain a permit or comply and implement your permit, we have the knowledge and skill to help. We maintain excellent working relations with local, state and federal agencies to facilitate proper processing of your application or dealing with potential enforcement. We can assist you in obtaining and implementing the following permits:
- Storm Water Notice of Intents and Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPPP) Plans
- NPDES Individual and General Permits, Industrial and storm water
- Covered and Non-covered Source Air Permits
- Underground Injection Control (UIC) Permits
- Wastewater
- Solid Waste
- Well Registration and Construction and Pump Operation Permits
- Special Management Area and Land Use Permits
- Well Abandonment and UIC closure
- Grading and Grubbing permits
- Building Permits
- Demolition Permits